Soul Contracts & Soul Resume

Stand Out.

In life, there is a pendulum of energy that is in constant motion. Life itself is energy in perpetual motion. Some days we feel like on a scale of 1-10 that we are a ten and then other days that we are a one. It is the inevitable and beautiful flux of human experience that we can count on as we experience all the emotions. I want to remind you, you are just as worthy and beautiful when you are a level one as when you're flying high at level ten. Its when we have these lower times that we question our ability to navigate or doubt who we are. The most efficient way to navigate life's decisions in your authentic energy is to move from that middle space - the 5 - or your centre. This prevents you needing to back track when you under or over commit in the far left or far right energies. Coming back to your heart, truth and centre is hard sometimes. So, let me offer you this perspective today, of why I know - there is nothing that you can't handle. It all starts with your soul contract and your soul resume. 

When we come into this incarnation we choose a contract for what we are going to learn, who we are going to meet and what we will experience this time around. This contract is with ourselves, other souls and ultimately the universe as we contribute to the big picture of ascension. We must remember that we have free will but there are pre fated, pre destined checkpoints and events waiting for us. My guides call these "Nepsis Points." It's up to us how we handle them and which choices we make when they arrive. For example, this could be meeting your future spouse. This is predestined for you both to teach each other everything you will and clear whatever karma exists. We could go deeper in to mission but for the sake of this transmission we will leave it there. It's almost like we pick the maze we are about to enter along with the things we will need in there. We don't know the exact path of the maze as we are free to explore and there will be inevitable gifts and surprises within - but we know we will absolutely get from start to finish. We also know that it is all happening for us and  there will be a silent voice of magic guiding us from within as our higher self or our spirit guides. This is a beautiful knowing to have. We are here for a reason to grow, learn, experience, evolve and FEEL. In turn us being here helps not only other people in our contracts but the earth herself as we anchor in higher frequencies. Remember - we are all just walking each other home. 

When you start to take your perspective awareness of this incarnation and zoom out you can start to consider the other lifetimes you have had. Where has it been that you've gone? What have you endured? What have you overcome? What have you accomplished? This is a huge empowering tool to lean on. If you knew, just how powerful you were... or what your soul has accomplished across all your lifetimes you would never doubt your ability to navigate what's coming up in this incarnation. Your soul resume is longer and more diverse that you could even wrap your mind around. If you're reading this you are likely an older soul with many experiences in this realm and others of many frequencies. You are the sum of all the people you have loved, all the joys and triumphs, the lessons learned and the adversity crossed. So let's remember who the heck we are and that we are here for a reason. Think about the next person you bump into at the store, regardless on if they have a contract to remember this lifetime or not you need to consider that they could have the most incredible hidden gem of lost universal knowledge inside them too. Just vibrating the frequency of this knowledge within and you just got to bump into that energy. Just like you. Regardless if we can label or define what that is it doesn't matter - we are divine beings with so many universal gems stored within our consciousness. 

Just by being, whether we conscious or unconscious of who we are, that frequency always exists within us. You are a reflection of the divine, so in turn all your decisions will also be parallel to that divinity within and the human right now. Actually, let me rephrase that - The guides want me to use the word conscious or pre-conscious as we always know on some level that there is something more. How incredible is it to know that just by being who we are we are always anchoring that higher frequency and that all is well. 

Carry on and keep moving friend, no matter what life throws your way. You are magic with a resume to back it up. You've got the credentials to handle this. You're here for a reason and a mission that you accomplish just by being. Nothing to do. Thanks for coming and thanks for being here with me. 




Embracing Your Earthly Ties