Embracing Your Earthly Ties

Embracing the Earthly Ties: The Importance of Remaining Grounded in Your Spiritual Journey and Life Changes

In the ever-evolving journey of life and navigating spiritual growth - embracing  change can be both exhilarating and challenging. As we connect more deeply with the realms of consciousness, it becomes crucial to stay rooted in the present moment and equally connected to the earthly realm. This delicate balance between the ethereal and the tangible is what keeps our spiritual journey grounded, allowing us to navigate life's twists and turns with grace and resilience remaining connected in our human experience. As above, so below. Anchoring heaven on earth through the conduit of the human vessel. 

The Essence of Spiritual Growth:

Embracing a spiritual awakening involves self-discovery, healing the old patterns we have collected throughout our lives, mindfulness, and an exploration of higher states of consciousness. It's a profound process that can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe. However, as we strive for spiritual growth and deeper understandings, it's crucial not to lose touch with the very ground beneath our feet.

Remaining grounded in your spiritual journey means staying connected to the physical world and acknowledging the importance of both the material and the spiritual aspects of life. It's about integrating the wisdom gained from spiritual practices into the fabric of your everyday existence. This is how you bridge the gap between spirituality and the physical world. The more you are able to remain connected to both the stronger you get to appreciate and experience both. One amplifies the other and works together. To bring you the most profound life experiences. 

It's almost an inevitable right of passage in a spiritual awakening to swing far left and far right as our mind opens to all these new pathways of knowledge and experiences. We may tend to oscillate between extremes as we find our new footing. It is such a beautiful journey and as that pendulum swings we continue to invite ourselves into the most balanced and embodied states we can as we learn, grow and evolve. The bittersweet beauty and expression of life itself is in the contrast of the pendulum swings we experience. Finding both the flow and balance within its movement. Give yourself grace, let yourself stretch and explore - but remember to come back. The profound beauty unfolds in the delicate balance of embodying both a spiritual essence and a human experience, where the intertwining threads of magic, wonder and vulnerability weave a captivating tapestry of existence in the present moment.

The Role of Grounding Practices:

At the core of our being lies our soul - this is who you are at your deepest level, beyond who you are right now this time around. It holds wisdom and knowledge we could't even begin to fully comprehend. Our mind is what we use to navigate in our daily life. It’s filled with opinions, beliefs, thoughts from the past, thoughts of the future, old traumas and patterns forged through experiences we encounter. The physical body is the vessel that houses our mind and our soul, along with its own processes. Balancing and embracing the complexities of mind, body and soul - is what alignment feels like. When the mental, energetic and physical realm are all honoured it can paint the full picture of the true reality we are experiencing. 

Grounding practices serve as the anchor that tethers the journey of spirituality to the solid ground beneath our feet. These practices play a pivotal role in maintaining awareness and stability. Whether through meditation, yoga, breath work, connecting with nature, journaling, movement or other grounding techniques, we can reconnect with the present moment, cultivating the relationship between mind, body, and spirit. They act as a bridge, allowing us to navigate the complexities of life changes. In essence, grounding practices provide a solid foundation upon which true embodiment and growth can be built.

Navigating Life Changes:

Life is inherently dynamic, marked by constant change and evolution. Whether it's a career shift, a relationship transformation, or a personal breakthrough, remaining grounded is crucial during times of upheaval. In the face of change, the grounded individual draws strength from their spiritual foundation, using it as a stabilizing force amidst life's waves. 

When faced with challenges, maintaining our pillars of support - provides a more centred perspective that will likely transcends the immediate circumstances. You will be able to see the deeper meaning and interconnectedness of experience. By pillars I mean the practises you have in place to help you remain both grounded and connected. The non negotiable things you do to keep you in alignment. When our pillars are solid, there's a higher chance of responding to things from a grounded place, reducing reactivity and increasing awareness when life throws challenges our way. The capacity to acknowledge emotions, use available tools to navigate through them, illuminate their roots, and then make new conscious decisions based on illuminated awareness is a major marker of the growth journey. Adopting this broader perspective provides a profound understanding of both lessons and opportunity in life's ups and downs, fostering personal growth, increased capacity, purpose, ease and alignment.

Embracing the Present Moment:

The present moment is a powerful ally on this spiritual journey of life. Spiritual growth is not about escaping reality but engaging with it fully. Becoming so deeply connected to the divine through the human body and human experience. We begin softening the heart to love, the universe and life itself in deeper capacities. We enter a season of inviting ourself into life. Embracing the present moment allows for a deeper connection with oneself, others, and the world at large. It allows us to be able to tap into the most powerful energy there is - the now. Presence. When we able to be in the moment, we are acting as a conscious creator. Instead of trying to chase another moment or run from the one you are in, you soften to the now. I am not saying don't have desires and think of the future or the  past. I am saying that you can do that too - all while remaining present. This is the key to finding peace with the now and also welcoming what comes next. We are required to meet the universe halfway with the things we desire, putting intention and energy towards it - yet we cannot do that if we are not working from the moment we have in directly in front of us. 

By grounding ourselves in the here and now, we cultivate a sense of gratitude, acceptance, and awareness. This heightened awareness and connection enhances our ability to navigate life with a clear mind and an open heart, fostering a more profound connection to the spiritual aspects of our existence and supercharging your ability to consciously create your dreams. It's all energy, baby.  


In the pursuit of spiritual growth and life changes, the importance of remaining grounded cannot be overstated. This is your invitation to take things a little less seriously and just be now and again. Everything that is meant for you - you will have an opportunity to experience. The divine is always at work through you and the universe that surrounds you if you surrender a little. It is the thread that weaves the spiritual and material worlds together, creating a tapestry of wisdom, resilience, and authenticity. Embrace the earthly ties that bind you to the present moment, for it is here so that your spiritual journey finds its true depth and meaning along side your beautiful human self. We are so blessed to be here and I am grateful to those of you who take the time to read these thoughts - I see you, and I wish you so much love in whatever stage of your journey you are on. 

Love, Brenna 


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